01. STRAIGHT & BARBAROSSA FEAT. WILLIE J. & BIG U flucht von der todesinsel (Single, 2014, Germany)
02. THE CHAIN RELEASE love comes creeping (2014, Germany)
03. WANDA bologna (CD "Amore", 2014, Problembär Records, Austria)
3-CD - Spezial: "V.A. - MONOCHROME VISIONS 2004-2014 MV X",
Monochrome Vision, MV50, 2014, Russia)

04. CISFINITUM in the field of human conflict (3-CD "MV X"...)
05. GEN KEN MONTGOMERY the wild west (3-CD "MV X"...)
06. VOX POPULI! freaky lounge party (3-CD "MV X"...)
07. TBC roboter märchen (3-CD "MV X"...)
08. ARCANE DEVICE flock (feedback chains #5) (3-CD "MV X"...)
09. BATCHAS schmerz (3-CD "MV X"...)
10. WATERCOLOURED WELL jimmie's pagan (3-CD "MV X"...)
11. SIGILLUM S 37 degrees of self immolation (3-CD "MV X"...)
12. LEICHTMATROSE FT. JOACHIM WITT hier drüben im graben (CD-EP "Jonny Fand Bei Den Sternen Sein Glück", 2014, I Am Surprised Records, Germany)
13. RUPERT HINE make a wish (live) (broadcasted 1981-0x-xx, Germany)

14. NO UNAUTHORIZED happy christmas (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas-Tunes Are... Hear Again: Hyper Christmas Compilation", 1988, Hypertonia World Enterprises, HWE 021, Norway)
15. DAS M das ziel (C60 "Various Artisis - Morgen Kinder Wirds Was Geben", 1993, Tonträger, TR14, Austria)
16. PHANTOM LIMB & THE THREE WISE MEN christmas time (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas-Tunes...")
17. CHRIS WIND the government is coming to town (C25 "Christmas Album", 1990, Magenta, CW07CA, Canada)
18. GESCHWISTER LA owie lacht Seite A (C10 "Owie Lacht", 199x, Germany)
19. HARALD SACK ZIEGLER alle jahre wieder (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas-Tunes...")
20. GROSZSTADTPILOTEN schneepflug (C60 "Various Artists - Morgen Kinder Wirds Was Geben...)
21. RICHARD YOUNGS i saw three ships (2xC63 "Various Artists - The X-Mas Compilation", 1992, Ebus Music, EM024+025, Germany)
22. KALTFRONT / FREUNDE DER ITALIENISCHEN OPER / TIERISCHER FRÜHLING (RAUL & KERSTIN) / HEIKE & JULIA tannenbaum (C26 "The Christmas Mini Tape", 1988, Zieh dich warm an Tapes, DDR)
23. EIACULAZIONE AMUSICALE n.r.p. to christmas (2xC63 "V.A. - The X-Mas Compilation"...)
24. R. WIEN wer löscht unsere tannen (C60 "V.A. - Morgen Kinder Wirds Was Geben"...)
25. STEPHEN JANETZKO leise rieselt der schnee (MC "Frohe Weihnacht" C35, 199x, Seebär-Musik, Germany)
26. SAUSÖL friede auf erden (Online-Compilation "Elektropunk bis zum Kabelbrand", 2014, Superpapukaija, Germany)

STRAIGHT: https://www.facebook.com/straightmc
THE CHAIN RELEASE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Chain-Release/192302850877648
WANDA: https://www.facebook.com/wandamusik and http://www.problembaerrecords.net/artists/problembaer-bands/a/wanda/ 
LABEL MONOCHROME VISION: http://www.monochromevision.ru 
http://www.monochromevision.ru/mv50.html and http://www.discogs.com/Various-MV-X-Monochrome-Visions-2004-2014/release/6192824 
LEICHTMATROSE: https://www.facebook.com/derleichtmatrose

NO UNAUTHORIZED:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/No-Unauthorized/142043032495823?fref=ts
CHRIS WIND: http://www.chriswind.com and http://www.chriswind.net 
HARALD SACK ZIEGLER: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Harald-Sack-Ziegler/173415089389729 
RICHARD YOUNGS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Youngs 
STEPHEN JANETZKO: http://www.kinderlieder-shop.de

CASSETTE CULTURE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassette_culture

KONTAKT: carsten (at @) ebusmusic (dot .) com