Playlists - Herr Ebu
Jet Set, die Radio Escobar: 02.05.17
Mit: Carsten Olbrich abuua Herr- und Mr. Ebu
Studiogast: INOX KAPELL
------------------------------------------- h1: INOX KAPELL --------------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. ORDNUNGSAMT metamorphose
03. INSEKTE die erde (CD "Studien", Morph Music, 2010)
04. APJIK schillerndes leben (CD "An die Welt da draußen", 2015)
--------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE mit INOX ---------------------------------
05. TREZINOX schöne dinge hängen (2xCD "Various Artists - 5 Jaar Gekerm 2011-2016", Kerm, 2016)
06. BRANDSTIFTER + INOX jingle für radio quer (CDr "Various Artists - Urknall Collektion 2003 m.d.K.")
07. EITEL SONNENSCHEIN ameisen 84 (forthcoming 12"-LP "Ameisen & Politik")
08. INOX KAPELL roy black ist tot (C90 "Hirschkäfer & Köderdose", 1991, Urknall)
09. JERRY JEFF WALKER blues in your mind (CD "Five Years Gone", Line Records)
10. PUCKSTÖRN die kälte frisst mich weg (previously unreleased)
Cassette Culture:
INOX @ Facebook:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Jet Set, die Radio Escobar: 04.04.17
Mit Carsten Olbrich abuua Herr- und Mr. Ebu
h1: Studiogast: Robert Maier, Autor des historischen Romans PANKFURT
h2: Cassette Culture
------------------------------------- h1: ROBERT MAIER - PANKFURT --------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. STRASSENJUNGS los! (12"-LP "Los!", Tritt Records, 1981)
03. THE CLASH brand new cadillac (Do-12"-LP "Lomdon Calling", CBS, 1979)
04. NINA HAGEN BAND tv-glotzer (12"-LP "Same", CBS, 1978)
05. IGGY POP the passenger (12"-LP "Lust For Life", RCA Victor, 1977)
06. HARALD ANDRES girl from greece (previously unreleased, 2017)
-------------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE --------------------------------------
07. AGEN 53 genetische generation (MC "Jenseits vom Bundestag")
08. DIE GENOSSEN zensur (C15 "Wehrt Euch", Sklavenschädel Kassetten, 1986)
09. M.D.W. fremdwort (C65 "Various Artists - Klänge aus dem Nirgendwo", Götterwind Imperium, Jun 1991)
10. HEAT BEAT CUT unite (short cut 2) (MC "Too Late To Scream", IRRE-Tapes, Jan 1992)
11. PAEDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE blech auf blech (MC "Blech Auf Blech")
12. ZSKA helden für einen tag (C30 "Blut und Tod", Inferno Tapes, 1984)
13. ALTES EISEN luxus (C20 "Sehr Nett", Wartungsfrei, 1982)
14. LEBEN NACH DER NARKOSE auf der flucht (C65 "Various Artists - Klänge aus dem Nirgendwo", Götterwind Imperium, Jun 1991)
21. ALTES EISEN erikas telefon klingelt (C20 "Sehr Nett", Wartungsfrei, 1982)
Robert Maier:
ARS Autorengruppe:
Link about Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Mit Carsten Olbrich a.b.u.u.a. Herr- und Mr. Ebu
h1: Music & Infos
h2: Cassette Culture
------------------------------------------ h1: MUSIC & INFOS -------------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. MAGIC MOMENTS AT TWILIGHT TIME variations (on a theme by peppa big) (previously unreleased, 2017)
03. MAGIC MOMENTS AT TWILIGHT TIME the electric app cometh (previously unrelased, 2017)
04. SYNAPSENFICK fallout (CDr "Eine Kleine Schlachtmusik", Okt 2016)
05. SYNAPSENFICK nachmittag smogalarm (CDr "Da Wo Licht Ist Sind Auch Fliegen", Okt 2016)
06. MISSILES OF OCTOBER no brain no headache (CD/LP "Better Days", 2016, Pogo Records, Qualitativus Recordicus, Bonobo Stomp)
07. MISSILES OF OCTOBER problems (CD/LP "Better Days", 2016, Pogo Records, Qualitativus Recordicus, Bonobo Stomp)
08. DOC WÖR MIRRAN ipso fatso (CDr "Symphony In A(nnoy)", Attenuation Circuit, 2015) ;
09. INSTITUTE OF NOISE weltall, erde, ich (CDr "Achtung Messarbeiten", Klappstuhl Records, 2016)
10. L.H.D. disillusion progress extended (CDr "Transitions", Klappstuhl Records)
11. [MULTER] köln 04|11|2006 (2 extracts) (CDr "Köln 04|11|2006", Klappstuhl Records, 2016)
12. DOGMAN tango (CDr)
13. INSTITUTE OF NOISE waschmaschine wasch (Klappstuhl Records)
14. STEPHEN JANETZKO autolichter (CDr "Die Zeit des Gauklers", Seebär)
15. STEPHEN JANETZKO die zeit des gauklers (CD "Die Zeit des Gauklers", Seebär)
-------------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE --------------------------------------
16. INTO THE ABYSS research without conscience (2xMC "Various Artists - Real Underground Vol. 1&2", Progressive Entertainment, 1993)
17. FLU anouchka (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
18. DIE WELTTRAUMFORSCHER sommer deiner liebe (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
19. TESENDALO musterbeutel (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
20. DOC WÖR MIRRAN jeandra sings the schlumpfs (CDr "Mask", Attenuation Circuit, 2012)
21. D.S.I.P. breathless hurdler (reconstructure 2) (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
22. HAPPY KADAVER stracona sita pomoz sam siebie (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
23. A.M.R.O.L. the neverending show (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
24. NO COMMENT red sweat (2xMC "Real Underground Vol. 1&2"...)
25. DOC WÖR MIRRAN for conrad, who's tail tail got big (CDr "Mask", Attenuation Circuit, 2012)
26. CHAPELLE SONIQUE the real me inside me ( )
27. THIS HEAT WITH MARIO BOYER DIEKUUROH walk in space (MC "Untitled", Tago Mago, 1982)
28. ALBERT MARCOEUR deux lions au soleil (MC "Untitled", Tago Mago, 1982)
Link about Cassette Culture:
More info about "A Tribute To Amon Düül II":
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Jet Set, die Radio Escobar 07.02.17
Mit Carsten Olbrich a.b.u.u.a. (auch bekannt und unbekannt als) Herr- und Mr. Ebu
h1: Annual Review 2016 Part 2
h2: Annual Review 2016 Part 2 - Cassette Culture
-------------------------------- h1: ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 Part 2 ---------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. MISSILES OF OCTOBER no pain no headache (CD "Better Days", 2016, Pogo Records, Qualitativus Recordicus, Bonobo Stomp)
03. ORTOPEDIC QUARTET relazioni soffocanti (CD "Fratture", Fuoco Alle Galere, 2013, Italy)
04. GOTTFRIED LEHR interview part 1 (Radio X Studio 1 Live, 6. Dec 2016)
05. GOTTFRIED LEHR babbel net (Radio X Studio 1 Live Unplugged)
06. GOTTFRIED LEHR interview part 2 (Radio X Studio 1 Live)
07. GOTTFRIED LEHR tanztee im hardrock-café (Radio X Studio 1 Live Unplugged)
08. GOTTFRIED LEHR interview part 3 (Radio X Studio 1 Live)
09. KNALL großstadt (LP "Kameraden", Spiegelei, 1981)
10. KNALL-SPEZIAL incl. nimm knall (LP "Kameraden", Spiegelei, 1981)
11. TANJA WALDSEELE, MARION PRZYBILLA & MARCUS HOEBER interview zum thema schamanismus (Radio X Studio 1 Live, 6. Dec 2016)
12. ANGAANGAQ ancient ones (Extract) (CD "Ancient Ones")
13. TANJA WALDSEELE, MARION PRZYBILLA & MARCUS HOEBER interview zum thema schamanismus (Radio X Studio 1 Live, 6. Dec 2016)
Marion Przybilla: www.homö
Tanja Waldseele:
Marcus Hoeber:
14. THE RABBIT'S HAT astral dreams (CD "Remixomatosis", 2016)
15. EINE ERDE CAMP mit Lea, Johanna & Jacob interview part 1 (Radio X Studio 1 Live, 6. Dec 2016)
16. MONO & NIKITAMAN stell dir vor (CD "Für immer", Rootdown Records, 2006)
17. EINE ERDE CAMP mit Lea, Johanna & Jacob interview part 2 (Radio X Studio 1 Live)
18. JOACHIM WITT wenn du mich rufst (CD "Thron", Ventil, 2016)
--------------- h2: ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 Part 2 - CASSETTE CULTURE ---------------
19. DOC WÖR MIRRAN bo diddly squat (CD "Tape Hissed (Historical Obscurity Volume 2)", Miss Management, 2016)
20. CAUTION SCREAMS sie und er (MC "Gott sei Dank nicht in Hamburg")
21. PSEUDO CODE last security (i'm so glomsy) (MC "Potlatch Music Vol. 1", Insane Music, 1980, Belgium)
22. DELETED life on the floor (MC "Definitive Cuts", Echtzeit, 1994)
23. ZWECKFREI / WARTUNGSFREI - THERAPIE inkl. ALTES EISEN liebe ist kein spielzeug (C20 "Sehr Nett", Wartungsfrei, 1982)
24. LEONARD & HERR EBU machen Cassette-Sendung (Ausschnitt)...
25. TELEPHERIQUE wave form modulation (extract) (C46 "Telepherique/Kapotte Muziek - Wave Form Modulation", Drahtfunk Products, 1992)
26. SASCHA MÜLLER walk in space (MC "SSREXTRA48-1", 2016)
27. LANDFUNK krieg (MC "Oder Was? EP", self-released, 1981, Germany)
29. LXSS n.n. (C60 "Desinfektionsraum", Multiple Configuration, 1984)
30. HUMAN FLESH tomorrow (CD "Songs For The Victims (From A Decaying Country)", EE-Tapes, 2006, Belgium)
31. THE RORSCHACH GARDEN share (MC "Head Trip", Germany)
Link about Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Mit Carsten Olbrich a.b.u.u.a. (auch bekannt und unbekannt als) Herr- und Mr. Ebu
h1: Annual Review Part 1
h2: Annual Review Part 1 - Cassette Culture
----------------------------------------- h1: GOTTFRIED LEHR ----------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. REIDGRAVES biography (CD "Lovely As Suspicion", 2015)
03. NAGMET duck taon trace (CDr "Water Is Conscience", Stone Premonitions, 2015)
04. LINDA STARBATTY & ANDREAS HESSE interview from 7 June 2016
05. GRUPPO YUMURI baracsa (CD)
06. LINDA STARBATTY interview + reading from "Afrokubanische Götterwelt"
07. DAVID BOWIE ★ (Blackstar) (CD "★ (Blackstar)", ISO Records, Columbia, 2016)
08. DAVID BOWIE girl loves me (CD "★ (Blackstar)", ISO Records, Columbia, 2016)
09. WALT THISNEY pillage people (CDr "ThisContinuum", Klappstuhl Records, 2015)
10. DsorDNE scimmie, topi e scarafaggi (CDr "Carceri", Klappstuhl Records, 2015)
11. NOSAJ THING lords (CD "Drift", Alpha Pup Records, 2009)
12. FALB interview, Part 1 "Hallo"
13. FALB crazy (unplugged live radio x studio 1)
14. FALB interview, Part 2
15. FALB let me know
-------------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE --------------------------------------
16. LORD LITTER lost (C60 "Torn Between Temptations", Kentucky Fiend Royalty, 1991)
17. DECEMBER wrath of the disappointed
18. BARAYOSHI mazishi para wrog (MP3-Album "V.A. - Elektropunk bis zum Kabelbrand Vol. 2", 2016, Superpapukaija)
19. KID KNORKE zombienerd (MP3-Album "V.A. - Elektropunk...")
20. MR. EBU no way out (MP3-Album "V.A. - Elektropunk...")
21. CHILDHOOD thief of heart
22. LEONARD & HERR EBU machen Cassette-Sendung (Ausschnitt)...
23. DIAMONDSTEIN nat sherman arpreggiator (MC "The Ridges", 2016, Dream Catalogue, England)
24. KRATZER der allte mann und die alte frau (1982, MC "Irrtum", IRRE-Tapes)
25. RELATIVE KÄLTE verdorbene liebe
26. t.b. OR NOT t.b. rorschach (Cassette "Rorschach", Unpop-Media)
27. TROWLER ordinary people (MC "All The Truman Girls", HoneyPeace records, 2016)
28. DIE LEBENDE DOSIS kartoffelbovist (CD "Various Artists - Wohlstand", Nam & Schwitz)
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Jet Set, die Radio Escobar 06.12.16
mit Carsten Olbrich a.b.u.u.a. (auch bekannt und unbekannt als) Herr- und Mr. Ebu
h1: Gottfried Lehr
h2: Cassette Culture - X-Mas-Tunes
----------------------------------------- h1: GOTTFRIED LEHR ----------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. KANSAS carry on wayward son (CD "Confusion Rocks", Miss Management, 2016)
03. GOTTFRIED LEHR babbel net (Live Radio X Studio 1, 2016)
04. BAP kristallnaach (CD "Vun Drinne Noh Drusse", 1982/1984, Musikant/EMI)
05. GOTTFRIED LEHR tanztee im hardrockcafé (Live Radio X Studio 1, 2016)
06. PINK FLOYD wish you were here (CD "Delicate Sound Of Thunder", 1988, EMI)
07. GOTTFRIED LEHR bembelboot-blues (CD)
-------------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE --------------------------------------
08. THE DEAD GOLDFISH ENSEMBLE through the snow (2x-C62 "Various Artists - The X-Mas-Compilation", 2016)
09. (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas Tunes Are... Hear Again: Hyper Christmas Compilation", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1988)
10. CHRIS WIND radioactive rudolph (C25 "Christmas Album", Magenta, cw07CA, 1990)
11. MAJORANA a christmas close to the radio (2x-C62 "Various Artists - The X-Mas-Compilation", 2016)
12. SCHMERTZ DER WELTEN hallo weihnacht (C60 "Various Artists - Morgen Kinder wird's was geben", Tonträger-Tapes, 1993)
13. FAMILIE OLBRICH schneeflöckchen weissröckchen (unreleased)
14. L'EDARPS A MOTH weihnacht 1990 (2x-C62 "Various Artists - The X-Mas-Compilation", 2016)
15. STEPHEN JANETZKO weiße weihnacht (MC "Frohe Weihnacht", 1993)
16. STEPHEN JANETZKO stevie j.- jingle (C60 "Ich bin din", 1994)
17. STEPHEN JANETZKO roten wein (C60 "Diese Welt", 1993)
18. STEPHEN JANETZKO alle menschen nah und fern (MC "Frohe Weihnacht", 1993)
19. MAGIC MOMENTS AT TWILIGHT TIME xmas with jody (extract) (C46 "Flashbax Vol. 3", IRRE-Tapes)
20. DOVES UNDER CHAIRWALK schenkt mir mehr! (2x-C62 "Various Artists - The X-Mas-Compilation", 2016)
21. X-RAY POP christmas bong (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas Tunes Are... Hear Again: Hyper Christmas Compilation", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1988)
22. KALTFRONT / FREUNDE DER ITALIENISCHEN OPER / TIERISCHER FRÜHLING (RAUL & KERSTIN) / HEIKE & JULIA tannenbaum (C26 "The Christmas Mini Tape", Zieh Dich Warm An Tapes, DDR, 1988)
23. NO UNAUTHORIZED happy christmas (mini-extract)
24. LEISURE SISTERS here comes santa claus (C60 "Various Artists - X-Mas Tunes Are... Hear Again: Hyper Christmas Compilation", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1988)
Gottfried Lehr:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
mit Carsten Olbrich a.b.u.u.a. (auch bekannt und unbekannt als) Herr- und Mr. Ebu
-------------------------------------------- h1: MUSIC & more -------------------------------------------
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Various Artists - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 2000)
02. DOC WÖR MIRRAN shelter (CD "Confusion Rocks", Miss Management, 2016)
03. ROOT DECO crawl 'fore you walk (CD "Dark City", 2015)
04. ROOT DECO memories (CD "Dark City", 2015)
05. REIDGRAVES biography (CD "Lovely As Suspicion", 2015)
06. THE RABBIT'S HAT heaven sent (CD "Remixomatosis", 2016)
07. LAURENCE CAMPLING just like you said (CD "Everything But The Kitchen Sink", Stone Premonitions, 2016)
08. DIE TRAKTOR party pals (CD-EP "Thanksgiving", Qualitativus Recordicus, 1997)
---> by the way: Die Traktor-Sänger Arne ist Mit-Organisator eines Gitarrenspieler Weltrekordversuchs am 10 Dez 2016 in Mainz. Es werden 555 Gitarristen gesucht. Anmeldung hier:
09. EARTH black roses (CDr "The God Machine", Music & Elsewhere, 1999-08-08)
10. THE RABBIT'S HAT astral dreams (CD "Remixomatosis", 2016)
11. JOACHIM WITT tag für tag (CD "Thron", Ventil, 2016)
12. JOACHIM WITT wenn du mich rufst (CD "Thron", Ventil, 2016)
-------------------------------------- h2: CASSETTE CULTURE --------------------------------------
13. MARIANN KÄFER merry-go-wrong (C60 "The Man Who Saw The Man Who Drowned The Fish", Tonspur-Tapes, 1993)
14. LUCA MITI between naturalmente aleatoramente (MC "Possible Plays", Multiple Configuration, 1985)
15. DIE WELTTRAUMFORSCHER hallo godot (C60 "Various Artists - Discover The Cover - Die Covercassette", Das MonifLabel, 1990-Sep)
16. PHILIPPE LAURENT n'importe quoi! (C60 "Various Artists - To Post A Tape Vol. 2", Fraction Studio, 1986)
17. LXSS n.n. (C60 "Desinfektionsraum", Multiple Configuration, 1984)
18. WILD GIFT strahlenkrankheit (C50 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight", punkID, 2010-April)
19. GLEICHLAUFSCHWANKUNG punks understand no fun (C50 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight"...)
20. GLEICHLAUFSCHWANKUNG devotschka (C50 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight"...)
21. VISCERA wasted and wanted (MC "Hot And Cold", Cause And Effect, 1985)
22. UNPLEASANT SURPRISE crime (C60 "Various Artists - One-Two-Three-Four Vol. I", Ebus Music, 1991-Oct-15)
23. DOC WÖR MIRRAN bo diddly squat (CD "Tape Hissed (Historical Obscurity Volume 2)", Miss Management, 2016)
24. CAUTION SCREAMS sie und er (MC "Gott sei Dank nicht in Hamburg")
25. HEADY HANGMEN searching (MC "BrutalHardcoreSpeedCrossoverTrash", Oma Ekop Records)
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com