Playlists - Herr Ebu
h1. Synth-Pop & more with Herr Ebu
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. DIREKTION abenteuer (LP "Jeder Tag wunderbar", CBS, 1982)
3. CARMEN schlaraffenland (LP "Puppe aus Glas", Schallmauer, 1982)
4. BLÜMCHEN gib mir noch zeit (MCD "Gib mir noch Zeit (Zeitloser Radio Mix)", Control, 1997)
5. DER JUNGE MIT DER GITARRE meer sehn (MCD "Meer Sehn", Octopussy, 2002)
6. RECHT HERZLICH gut bewegen (LP "Hab Mut zu deinen Lüsten", Reflektor Z, 1982)
7. SAJJRA koncielo (LP "Synthexcess", Buh Records, 2019)
8. SUNFEAR the time (10xMP3 "Octopus", Dark Entries, 2022)
9. CIRCUITNOISE 34 neurons make no ai (CDr "VA - Natural Order", Xerox Exotique, 2022)
10. NAKED EYES always something there to remind me (7"-Single, EMI, 1982)
11. KREIDLER alpabet (CD "Bureau B", 2014)
h2. Casette Culture mit Herr Ebu
12. DEUX BALEINES BLANCHES a singing wire (C82 "VA - Notre Dame 2 (An International Compilation", EE Tapes, 1988)
13. HAL the night the synth broke down (MC "HAL attenlence + sition", self-released, 1985)
14. MODERN ART empire of light (C30 "Dunkelwellen Tape", selfreleased, 2023)
15. LIVES OF ANGELS ruby in the dust (MC "Alternative Programming", Color Disc & Tapes Color, 1986)
16. MARTIN NEWELL amateur paranoiac (MC "VA - An Hour Of Color", Color Disc & Tapes, 1984)
17. CLEANERS FROM VENUS wivenhoe bells ii (MC "Living With Victoria Grey", Mad At The Off, 1986)
18. DON CAMPAU in the year of nicole (C60 "Razor And Ruler", Lonely Whistle Music, 1989)
19. DIE RADIERER modell (MC "Demo", Klaus-die-Maus, 1980)
20. DIE RADIERER angriff auf's schlaraffenland (MC "Demo", Klaus-die-Maus, 1980)
21. DOMINION crossing nepal (MC "The Oracle", MAM-Aufnahme, Ffm, K.O. City Studio, 1986)
22. S. CORE salam (2xC90 "VA - Neue Muster Volume 3+4", Tonspur Tapes, 1988)
23. MOISTEN BEFORE USE termination (MC "VA - An Hour Of Color", Color Disc & Tapes, 1984)
(Escobar On Radio X):
(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 6 Juni 2023 8-10pm (UTC+2)
h1. Tilmann Jakob aka LDX#40 von Xerox Exotique
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. LDX#40 gold is the metal with the 8580 shoulders (MP3 "Xerox Exotique #074", 2022)
3. BODYCOCKTAIL burroughs (CDr "Sing Out", ZH27, 2005)
4. WORSEL STRAUSS & SCHANI WOLF a thing more red (CD "Eigenwert", Analoq Music, 2020)
5. LDX#40 sidcraft through the ages (MP3 "Xerox Exotique #074", 2022)
6. HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY technology doesn't work (LP "VA - Oscotarach", Deafborn, 2005)
h2. Casette Culture & Tilmann Jakob aka LDX#40 von Xerox Exotique
7. PLANT BACH OFNUS gader (C60 "VA - Directions Two", Direction Music, 1989)
8. DAS SYNTHETISCHE MISCHGEWEBE nm (C60 "VA - Neue Muster Volume 7", Tonspur Tapes, 1990)
9. DUNKELWELLEN perlenkuppel (C30 "Dunkelwellen Tape", selfreleased, 2023)
10. FEINE TRINKERS BEI PINKELS DAHEIM alleppobeule (MC "Kornzweig Baby", Fich Art, 1996)
11. IF, BWANA they call me bwana (MC "They Call Me Bwana", Sound Of Pig, 1987)
(Escobar On Radio X):
(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 2 May 2023 8-10pm (UTC+2)
h1. L'Edarps A Moth
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. L'EDARPS A MOTH lackierte dreiecke (LP "Büro für Akute Planung", Bigbandalone, 2022)
3. L'EDARPS A MOTH panik! (12xMP3 "Jazz", selfreleased, 2021)
4. L'EDARPS A MOTH kathodenstrahlung (LP "Büro für Akute Planung", Bigbandalone, 2022)
5. ZAPPA / MOTHERS cheepnis (CD "Roxy by Proxy", Zappa Records, 2014)
6. DELTA-SLEEP-INDUCING PEPTIDE leaving a city by night (2-LP "Recordings 1990-1992", Bigbandalone, 2020)
7. HERMANOS GUZANOS moon trine venus (LP "Nectar Cuts From Beyond", Bigbandalone, 2021)
8. L'EDARPS A MOTH das ist die art der lieder (MC "Live & Studio", Büro für Akute Planung, 199x)
h2. Casette Culture & L'Edarps A Moth
9. L'EDARPS A MOTH art der lieder - partita (22xMP3 "Trexx 2019, selfreleased, 2019)
10. L'EDARPS A MOTH johnnys room (C90 "VA - A Guide To Healthy Listening Vol. 6", Obscure Delight, 1994)
11. CHARLIE SMITH eden (C90 "VA - A Guide To Healthy Listening Vol. 6", Obscure Delight, 1994)
12. OLIVER UND DIE BLAUEN HUNDE ich werf so gerne sachen aus dem fenster (C90 "A Tribute To IRRE-Tapes", IRRE-Tapes, IT100, 1994)
13. DIE GEILE SONNE ein geburtstagslied für thomas pradel (MC "Eine Geburtstagscassette für Thomas Pradel", selfreleased, 1998)
14. L'EDARPS A MOTH jingle #1 (C90 "A Tribute To IRRE-Tapes", IRRE-Tapes, IT100, 1994)
15. L'EDARPS A MOTH der wald stirbt (C100 "VA - The Bright Side Of Life", Flichi Musik, 1992)
16. TOSHIYUKI HIRAOKA c'est pas juste (C100 "VA - The Bright Side Of Life", Flichi Musik, 1992)
17. HARALD SACK ZIEGLER neue oma (red neon mix) (C60 "New Hippies Volume 1", Red Neon Tapes)
(Escobar On Radio X):
(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 4 April 2023 8-10pm (UTC+1)
h1. Annual Review 2022 Part 2v2 with Herr Ebu
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. IFA WARTBURG kosmoskost (CD "Im Dienste des Sozialismus", Plattenmeister, 1998)
3. TOCOTRONIC pure vernunft darf niemals siegen (CD "Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen", L'Age D'Or, 2005)
4. STRASSENJUNGS birgit o. (live) (CD "Strassenfeger Hitbox", Tritt Records, 2007)
5. NILS SELZER (STRASSENJUNGS) interview teil 1 (Radio X Extract 2022-08-02)
6. STRASSENJUNGS ich brauche meinen suff (LP "Dauerlutscher", CBS, 1977)
7. NILS SELZER (STRASSENJUNGS) interview teil 2 (Radio X Extract 2022-08-02)
8. STRASSENJUNGS hoffnung (MP3, selfreleased, 2022)
9. I SCREAM scare (C60 "Tomorrow Is Another Day", Insane Music, Grafika Airlines, 1986)
10. VOYAGER 3 east of eden (CD "Instants Sacres Instants Damnes", Euterpe, 1999)
11. PAUL ARAMBULA boom bound paralysis (MC "Towantowanto", Musikii, 2021)
12. USÉ tamponne moi (CD "Couleur Brique", Born Bad Records, 2022)
13. Thomas, Winnie, Carsten, Sepp'l - Talk 1 (Radio X Studio 1, Extract 2022-09-20)
14. Pannen - Studiogast: Christian Pfluger-Interview, 2 Escobar Jingles & Talk 3 (Radio X Studio 1, Extract 2022-09-20)
15. DIE WELTTRAUMFORSCHER die tiximalschleife (C45 "Lieder aus der neuen Sonne", New York Haunted, 2019)
h2. Annual Review 2022 Part 2v2 with Herr Ebu
15. STEPPENKIND big boyz (LP "Undefined Lovers", selfreleased, 2022)
16. 7697 MILES orejas andantes (extract) (MC "Cla", Spomenik, 2022)
17. FOREST 4 on my way (MC "Childhood", Endless Soul, 1989)
18. SCHMALHANS der mond / madame mond (CD "Spieglein, Spieglein An Der Wand, Wer Ist Der Schönste Im Ganzen Land?", selfreleased, 1995)
19. MAX GOLDT deshrehembre (CD "Nirgendwo Fichtenkreuzschnäbel, Überall Fichtenkreuzschnäbel", FünfUndVierzig, 1993)
20. SEAN DERRICK COOPER MARQUARDT prayer for the people of the sea (kosmik leprechaun remix feat. jaime munárriz) (12xMP3 "I Met God, She's Black", selfreleased, 2017)
20. ESTADES, PABLO MIRON, JUAN VACAS c untitled (2xC90 "Un Rato Más", selfreleased, 2022)
21. SOMETIMES IT SNOWS IN APRIL wie glas (MC "Solaria", selfreleased, 1989)
22. M.C. HAMMER u can't touch this (CD "Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em, Capitol Records, 1990)
23. MONOCHROME BLEU stay or go (MC "Stay Or Go", IRRE-Tapes, Die Ind, Ladd-Frith, 1990)
24. GARMARNA halling jåron (CD "Vedergällningen", Westpark Music, 1999)
25. EISWUNDER christbaumkugeln (C70 "V.A. - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Two", Dum Dum Records, Demodum 2, 1982)
26. L'EDARPS A MOTH i want your laughter (LP "Büro für Akute Planung", Bigbandalone, 2022)
(Escobar On Radio X):
(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 7 March 2023 8-10pm (UTC+1) with studioguest "L'Edarps A Moth"
h1. Annual Review 2022 with Herr Ebu
h1. Annual Review 2022 with Herr Ebu
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. Extract Escobar 014, "Arne wants to become famous" (Radio X Studio 1, 5 Jan 1999)
3. DIE TRAKTOR poppen (CD "Kuschelpunk 1", Empty Records, 1997)
4. Extract 1 Escobar, Interview with Christian Bedor (Radio X Studio 1, 1 March 2022)
5. CHRISTIAN BEDOR reading from "Diastimmen" (Radio X Studio 1, 1 March 2022)
6. Extract 2 Escobar, Interview with Christian Bedor (Radio X Studio 1, 1 March 2022)
7. LEAF guillermo (LP "One More...Leaf", Biton, 1981)
8. HARALD OCHS escobar-jingle (extract) (1998)
9. Extract Escobar 015, "It was written in the newspaper" (Radio X Studio 1, 2 March 1999)
10. RUDI CARRELL (FEAT. ARNE & CARSTEN) heul nicht (extract) (7"-Single "Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer", M Music, 1975)
11. Review "Jet Set, die Radio Escobar - For Peace. Against War. Who is not?" (Radio X, 5 April 2022)
12. SOMATIC RESPONSES the fault inside us (extract) ("V.A. - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not ?", Component Recordings, 2022)
13. WANDERING STARS the fall (destroyed mix by Y-LUK-O) (extract) ("V.A. - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not ?", Component Recordings, 2022)
14. TWINKLE3 kozova (extract) ("V.A. - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not ?", Component Recordings, 2022)
15. STEFAN STRASSER speechless ("V.A. - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not ?", Component Recordings, 2022)
h2. Annual Review 2022 with Herr Ebu
15. STEFAN STRASSER speechless ("V.A. - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not ?", Component Recordings, 2022)
16. GOLFREGION escobar-jingle (extract) (1999)
17. Extract Escobar 016, "Arne has Tinnitus" (Radio X Studio 1, 6 April 1999)
18. Review "Jet Set, die Radio Escobar - Minimal, New Wave, NDW, Experimental, Cassette Culture" (Radio X, 3. May 1999)
19. ASMUS TIETCHENS energie-dossier (LP "Litia", Sky Records, 1983)
20. MUELLI SCHOKOLADI wir können singen (MC "Mami, Papi und der Milchmann", Psyquil Records, 1992)
21. EXTRABREIT palermo (LP "LP der Woche", Metronome, 1984)
22. Review Escobar 017, "Electronic Music & more" (Radio X, 27 April 1999
23. COLUMN ONE re-start to move (CD "Electric Pleasure", 90% Wasser, 2000)
24. Extract Escobar 018, "MP3 vs. music-industry" (Radio X Studio 1, 1 June 1999)
25. Extract 1 Escobar, Interview with Worsel Strauss (Radio X Studio 1, 7 June 2022)
26. HILDE SCHÖNHEIT bigod 22 (42xMP3 "V.A. - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
27. KAI NIGGEMANN 28.000 Operationen (42xMP3 "V.A. - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
28. KYBERNAUGHTY the future is 37 seconds from now (42xMP3 "V.A. - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
29. Extract 2 Escobar, Interview with Worsel Strauss (Radio X Studio 1, 7 June 2022)
30. WORSEL STRAUSS & SCHANI WOLF ways of seeing schelling (CD "Eigenwert", AnalogMusiq, 2020)
31. Extract 3 Escobar, Interview with Worsel Strauss (Radio X Studio 1, 7 June 2022)
32. FORTRAN LOVE CALL remake normal sleep (CD "Preestablished Harmony EP 1", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
33. Extract 4 Escobar, Interview with Worsel Strauss (Radio X Studio 1, 7 June 2022)
34. BANANACH dusty spaces (demo version) (2xMP3 "Wasted Demo", self-released, 2019)
(Escobar On Radio X):
(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 7 February 2023 8-10pm (UTC+1)
h1. X-Mas Tunes with Herr Ebu
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. JETHRO TULL another christmas song (7"-Single "Another Christmas Song", Chrysalis, 1989)
3. TYPE O NEGATIVE red water (christmas mourning) (CD "October Rust", Roadrunner Records, 1996)
4. BLUE T-SHIRT snow shovel shuffle (12xFile "Hippocamp Christmas Compilation 2005", Hippocamp, 2004)
5. MAALEM MAHMOUD GUINIA / FLOATING POINTS / JAMES HOLDEN mimoun marhaba (12-Vinyl "Marhaba", Eglo Records, Border Community, 2015)
6. ERIC WHITACRE lux aurumque (Night And Gold) (CD "Light & Gold", Decca, 2010)
7. BLACKLIGHT BRAILLE christmas with the pines (CD "Camelot Castle", Vecto Records, 1993)
8. THE DAVE MATTHEWS BAND christmas song (CD "Remember Two Things", Bama Rags Records, 1993)
8. CHRISTIAN STROBEL guerrero (4xMP3 "Guerrero", AnalogMusiq, 2022)
9. ANDRA LJOS the key in the beak (MC "The Oasis Of Little Birds", TestFm, 2020)
10. YUSEF LATEEF the plum blossom (LP "Eastern Sounds", Fontana, 1961)
h2. Cassette Culture
11. MR. EBU eine kleine telefoniermusik (C60 "Floating", JM-Tapes, 1999)
12. ODER HAHA kurt schwitters winterreise (C70 "V.A. - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Two", Dum Dum Records, Demodum 2, 1982)
13. RABE manic christmas (CD "V.A. - Santa Monika", Monika Enterprise, 1999)
14. THAT BACKDOOR MAN x-mas part ii (C60 "V.A. - BerlinCassette 89-1, JARMusik, 1989)
15. MILAN W. spirit (C30 "Jj funhouse Christmas Compilation Vol. 2 'I Wonder as I Wander'", Jj funhouse, 2017)
16. VIELE BUNTE AUTOS ich freu mich so auf weihnachten (C70 "V.A. - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Two", Dum Dum Records, Demodum 2, 1982)
17. KILLED ON X-MAS i believe in god (MC "Christ", Left-Zeit Concerts, 1994)
18. SSALVA blood (2xC90 "Un Rato Mas", selfreleased, 2022)
19. EISWUNDER christbaumkugeln (C70 "V.A. - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Two", Dum Dum Records, Demodum 2, 1982)
20. DIE WICHTIGEN analyse hoch vier (MC "V.A. - Morgen Kinder wirds was geben", Tonträger Tapes, 1993)
21. MICKEY KODAK christmas a come, cashflow will run (C70 "V.A. - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Two", Dum Dum Records, Demodum 2, 1982)
22. GÜNTER SCHROTH / UWE ZAHN collaboration (C60 "V.A. - New Hippies Volume 2", Red Neon Tapes)
MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
Playlists since 2012:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 3 January 2023 8-10pm (UTC+1)
h1. Just good music
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
3. MONDO SANGUE black hole supernova (LP "VEGA-5 (Avventure nel Cosmo)", All Score Media,2020)
4. BOX AND THE TWINS guilty red (CD "Everywhere I Go Is Silence", Manic Depression, Synth Religion, 2016)
5. GARMARNA timmarna (CD "6", Westpark Music, 2016)
6. THE GO-BETWEENS the statue (2-CD "Oceans Apart", Tuition, 2005)
7. SCHMALHANS der mond / madame mond (CD "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist der Schönste im ganzen Land?", selfreleased, 1995)
8. MAX GOLDT desrehembre (extract) (CD "Nirgendwo Fichtenkreuzschnäbel, Überall Fichtenkreuzschnäbel", FünfUndFierzig, 1993)
9. MAX GOLDT an die wand gelehnt (CD "Nirgendwo Fichtenkreuzschnäbel, überall Fichtenkreuzschnäbel", FünfUndFierzig, 1993)
10. CHRISTIAN STROBEL guerrero (extract) (4xMP3 "Guerrero", AnalogMusiq, 2022)
h2. Cassette Culture
11. CHIKISS dark dream (MC "New Season", Not Not Fun Records, 2017)
12. MODERN ART dress of adventure (MC "V.A. - Berlincassette 2-86", Jarmusic, 1986)
13. IZANASZ eripuraisuus (MC "Psykedelar Vol. 2", Pointless Geometry, 2019)
14. PLANT BACH OFNUS new moon (C50 "Symudiad Ymddangosol Y Lleuad", Direction Music, 1990)
15. LORD LITTER well it's all over now (MC Woosh (Then The Hammer Comes Down)", Music Factory, Out Of The Blue, 1987)
16. ESTADES, PABLO MIRON, JUAN VACAS c - untitled (extract 1) (2xC90 "Un Rato Mas", selfreleased, 2022)
17. ESTADES, PABLO MIRON, JUAN VACAS c - untitled (extract 2) (2xC90 "Un Rato Mas", selfreleased, 2022)
18. ESTADES, PABLO MIRON, JUAN VACAS d - untitled (extract) (2xC90 "Un Rato Mas", selfreleased, 2022)
19. THOMAS STRUSZKA modepüppchen (MP3, selfreleased)
20. THE ASTRONAUTS moderation is boring (MC "Restricted Hours", Acid Strings, 1979)
21. HEINRICH LIES! der traum (MC, selfreleasef, 2022)
MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting):
Playlists since 2012:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 6 December 2022 8-10pm (UTC+1)