h1. Festivalimpression
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. ENTROPIJA prasme (CD "V.A. - Baras", Zona Records, 2022)
3. GIRNU GIESMES tie, kurie nezinote (CD "V.A. - Baras", Zona Records, 2022)
4. HARUSPIC intelektuali popiete (CD "V.A. - Baras", Zona Records, 2022)
5. SAUERSTOFFF what are you (LP "Braucht Jeder", Teerpappe, Hafenschlamm Records, 2018)
6. USÉ acetone en automne (CD-EP "Coulenc Brique", Born Bad Records, 2022)
7. USÉ en 3 secondes (CD "Selflic", Born Bad Records, 2018)
8. AUX FIELD unstruck (LP "Square Landscapes", Kota, 2018)
9. ZOOTIME yo (LP "Movement", Moefment, 2019)
10. SILK SAW same area (tsantsa edit) (LP "Parallel Landscapes", Kota, 2015)

h2. Festivalimpressionen in Cassette Culture & more
11. BOSCH nostalgie (MC "V.A. - Alternative Fakten Vol. 1", Alternative Fakten, 2020)
12. CHIKISS heaven is within us (MC "New Season, Not Not Fun Records, 2017)
13. LAPKRICIO 20 ORKESTRAS (MC "Vienoj Kasetej Dr. Green Kitoj Kasetej Bora", Musikii, 2021)
14. PIETER KOCK green calkx (MC "Rocks and Murders if Entitled Spirits", Musikii, 2021)
15. PAUL ARAMBULA bunublum (MC "Towantowanto", Musikii, 2021)
16. HOBBINGTON troll infestation (MC "Mr. Hobbington", Klangschutz Schallplatten, 2021)
17. THOMAS STRUSZKA jemand muss etwas tun (MP3, self-released)
18. COUNCIL ANDERSON einsamer nie (C60 "V.A. - Ebus Music Sampler Vol. Elemental I", Ebus Music, 1990)
19. DIE WELTTRAUMFORSCHER glücklich. traurig. seltsam. (C30 "Binika", Das MonifLabel, 1986) 

MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting): 


Playlists since 2012: 

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 4 October 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2) - Festivalimpressionen Part 2 + Cassette Culture


h1. Strassenjungs - Interview mit Nils Selzer
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. STRASSENJUNGS bombenstimmung (CD "My Private Rainbow", Polydor, 2000)
3. Interview Teil 1
4. STRASSENJUNGS ein mann (MP3, 2021)
5. STRASSENJUNGS bunker (CD "Gorby & Das Beste", Tritt Record, 1989)
6. Interview Teil 2
7. STRASSENJUNGS nachts auf tour (LP "Dauerlutscher", CBS, 1977)
8. Interview Teil 3
9. STRASSENJUNGS wieder auf tour (CD "Gorby & Das Beste", Tritt Record, 1989)
10. STRASSENJUNGS killer kinder (CD "Jubeljahr & Bombenstimmung", Tritt Records, 2005)
11. Interview Teil 4
12. STEPI UND DIE STRASSENJUNGS eintracht (MCD "Eintracht", Tritt Records, 1992)
13. Interview Teil 5
14. STRASSENJUNGS entsorgung (CD "Jubeljahr & Bombenstimmung", Tritt Records, 2005)
15. STRASSENJUNGS immer weiter gehn (CD "Wir ham ne Party (Remaster)", Tritt Records, 2022)
16. Interview Teil 6
17. NILS SELZER nass (LP "Nass", Tritt Records, 1983)
18. Interview Teil 7
19. STRASSENJUNGS panik in frankfurt (CD "Wir ham ne Party (Remaster)", Tritt Records, 2022)
20. Interview Teil 8
21. STRASSENJUNGS dreck (CD "Tut Gut", Tritt Records, 1997)
22. Interview Teil 9
23. STRASSENJUNGS der drummer mit dem holzbein (live) (CD "Strassenfeger Hitbox", Tritt Records, 2007)
24. Interview Teil 10
25. STRASSENJUNGS duell (CD "Sex", Tritt Record, 1986)
26. STRASSENJUNGS wasser (CD "Duell", Tritt Records, 1991)

h2: Cassette Culture + Rest Strassenjungs + Bonus Interview mit Nils Selzer
25. STRASSENJUNGS duell (CD "Sex", Tritt Record, 1986)
26. STRASSENJUNGS wasser (CD "Duell", Tritt Records, 1991)
27. THE ASTRONAUTS getting things done (MC "Restricted Hours", 1979)
28. ALTES EISEN sehr nett (MC "Sehr Nett", Wartungsfrei, 1983)
29. ANTITOX anders (MC "Ohne Filter", Oma Ekop Records, 199x)
30. LOST WORLD sex tourism (C90 "Various Artists - Nightmare Reality #5", Simon Pare)
31. FAMILIE HESSELBACH wo bist du (C60 "Froh zu sein", Infam Produkt, 1982)
32. DER ÄSTHETISCHE EINZELKÄMPFER nehmt euch eure freiheit (C30 "ResigNation", 199x)
33. KOLLEKTIVER BRECHREIZ wachsfigurenkabinett (C60 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight", Punkid Records, 2010)
34. ABRISS WEST aufstand (C60 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight", Punkid Records, 2010)
35. BANANACH sick mind (MC-EP "Panoptic Litter", Disaster Records, 2022)
36. THE LOCAL SCANDAL heating stuff (MC "Bloody Hand", 1987)
37. KRATZER der alte mann die alte frau (MC "Irrtum", IRRE-Tapes, 1982)
38. RELATIVE KÄLTE verdorbene liebe (3xMP3 "Gestern ging es noch besser", 2014)
39. POOR DECISIONS nostromo (MC "Neu und billig", 2017)
40. RAUSCHANGRIFF bild-beschreibung (MC)
41. HACKE PETERS feucht und fröhlich (C60 "Various Artists - Unite We Fight", Punkid Records, 2010)

MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting): 



Playlists since 2012:


QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcast: 6 September 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2)

1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. BANANAFISHBONES glam (CD "My Private Rainbow", Polydor, 2000)
3. THE SUGARCUBES delicious demon (CD "Life's Too Good", One Little Indian, 1989)
4. BJÖRK isobel (CD "Post", One Little Indian, 1995)
5. SMASHING PUMPKINS today (CD "Siamese Dream", Hut Recording, Virgin, 1993)
6. YOU CAN DRIVE I MUST DRINK bellinda (7"-Single, Gusch Records, 1991)
7. THE TREMOLOES silence is golden (12"-LP "Alen, Dave, Rick and Chip", CBS, 1967)
8. Ansage BRUME (Radio X 2022-05-03)
9. BRUME f*** you simon (CD "Xeros", Korm Plastics, 1993)
10. ENEM-Y formedal (CDr "Ways (Part 1) (Demo Version)", 2021)
11. BANANAFISHBONES easy day (CD "Viva Conputa", Bonanza, Polydor, 1999)

h2. Cassette Culture
12. SCIDOO'S DEAD SLANG dawnfall (MC "Same", self-released, 199x)
13. NEGATIVE TRIP meine eltern haben was dagegen (MC "EU", Purple Tree Records, 2000)
14. VARIANT CAUSE she's a moving violation (MC "Roller Coaster Coronation", KDT Records, 1989)
15. BANANACH doubt (MC-EP "Panoptic Letter", Disaster Records, 2022)
16. BANANACH dusty spaces (demo version) (2xMP3 "Wasted Demo", self-released, 2019)
17. THRASHING PUMPGUNS too old to skate (MC "The Lord Is Back")
18. ODIO SOCIAL tracos de um povo (MC "Electric Session", Abekeit Records, Hardcaos Discos, 2015)
19. Ansage MÜLLI SCHOKOLADI (Radio X 2022-05-03)
20. MÜLLI SCHOKOLADI wir können singen (MC "Mami, Papi und der Milchmann", Psyquil Records, 1992)
21. SUNHIILOW bones, feathers and you (C42 "Split" with Baldruin, SicSic, 2012)
22. SVARTMÁLM svartideyoi I: tao onda (MC "Svartmálm", Vendetta Records, 2018)
23. STRASSENJUNGS immer weiter geh'n (12"-LP "Wir ham ne Party", Tritt Records, 1979)

MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting): 


Playlists since 2012: 

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 2 August 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2) NILS SELZER / STRASSENJUNGS & Cassette Culture

Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu

1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. FORTRAN LOVE CALL a hashtag for the king (CD "Preestablished Harmony EP 1", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
3. FORTRAN LOVE CALL yassassin (CD "Preestablished Harmony EP 1", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
4. JAPOTAGE bazar of a thousand horrors (LP "Same", Frog Records, 1985)
5. SZMT verblasste erinnerung an das kaffeekränzchen der 26 einsiedler (42xMP3 "Various Artists - Xerox Exotique - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
6. LDX#40 twentynine tranSisters (42xMP3 "Various Artists - Xerox Exotique - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
7. FRANK WILKE thirtytwo nocturnes for sale (42xMP3 "Various Artists - Xerox Exotique - Natural Order", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
8. WORSEL STRAUSS & SHANI WOLF the sandwich maker (CD "Eigenwert", ANALOGmusiq, 2020)
9. SZMT un autre jour, un autre crime sans passion (7 x MP3, "The First Hints Of Corruption", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
10. FORTRAN LOVE CALL when they do what you told them (CD "Preestablished Harmony EP 1", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
11. FORTRAN LOVE CALL remake normal sleep (CD "Preestablished Harmony EP 1", Acrylnimbus, 2022)
12. WORSEL STRAUSS the psychedelic car (15xFile "In The Future 15 People Will Be Famous...", Hand Made Hits, 2021)

h2. Cassette Culture
12. WORSEL STRAUSS the psychedelic car (15xFile "Various Artists - In The Future 15 People Will Be Famous", Hand Made Hits, 2021)
13. COLLECTIONISM das gift (LP "Various Artists -  Cosmographia Vol.1 (International Cassette Culture)", Domestica, 2018)
14. WEINGLAS geburt (MC "Die gute alte Zeit", Zero Point Research, 2021)
15. WEINGLAS spass im kindergarten (MC "Die gute alte Zeit", Zero Point Research, 2021)
16. AUTUMN interlude dusk (C50 "Movements of the HourHand in the IvoryTower", Ebus Music,1993)
17. THE MUFFINS early american ears (C46 "Secret Signals 1", Hand Systems, 1989)
18. YXIMALLOO my washing makes more rain than african ceremony #2.1 (MC "Portable Summer", Sakura Wrechords", 1986)
19. WEINGLAS zeit für party (MC "Die gute alte Zeit", Zero Point Research, 2021)
20. HELLA & MARC balza (C35 "Camaleonte", HAX, 1992)
21. PLUTO untitled b (MC "Untitled", Goaty Tapes, 2017)

MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting):


Playlists since 2012:

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 5 July 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2)

Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu

1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. KONG kleine gartenhölle (CDr "Same", self-released, 2011)
3. SCHWARZ WEISS märchenprinz (LP "Same", Schallmauer, 1982)
4. KATIA meer (LP "Alles nur Staub", Metronome, 1982)
5. KOSMONAUTENTRAUM juri gagarin (LP "Ungehörtes Unerhörtes", Vinyl On Demand, 2005)
6. ÜMIT HAN the siren (199 x MP3, "Various Artists - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?", Component Recordings, 2022)
7. WORSEL STRAUSS the mercury collector (MP3 "VA - Boring Music", ANALOGmusiq, 2022)
8. SET FATALE das herz (LP "Same", Independance, 1987)
9. DUBTRAK darkening sky (199 x MP3, "Various Artists - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?", Component Recordings, 2022)
10. ASMUS TIETCHENS energie-dossier (LP "Litia", Sky Records, 1983)
11. DENISE RITTER area one (199 x MP3, "Various Artists - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?", Component Recordings, 2022)
12. EXTRABREIT eye of the snake (LP "LP der Woche", Metronome, 1984)
13. JOACHIM WITT ich fahr nach afrika (LP "Edelweiss", WEA, 1982)

h2. Cassette Culture
13. JOACHIM WITT ich fahr nach afrika (MC "Edelweiss", WEA, 1982)
14. HEADCLEANERS den lange korridor (C90 "VA - The Greatest SHiTs, Vol. 2: Angst Und Freundschaft", Shit Tapes, 1982)
15. NO COMMENT mutant (C67 "VA - Psyquil Sampler", Psyquil Records, 1992)
16. KONTROLLCHAOS langweilig (MC "Ananas", 1982)
17. AG GEIGE Déjà Vu (2xMC "Rock Bilanz", Amiga, 1989)
18. M.NOMIZED les microbes (C50 "Ne Jamais Partir", Tonspur Tapes, 1992)
19. LEFDUP & LEFDUP tiviskrin (MC "(S)Abordable", La Fondation, Les Maîtres Du Monde, 1986)
20. RICHARD FRANECKI & JAMES LEVINE untitled extract (2xMC "We Know Time", Jim Tapes, 198x)
21. MICK MILK company man (MC "Songs For Citizens", 1983)
22. MANDATA sekunden (MC "Herstellung von Hand in kleiner Stückzahl", self-released, 1989)
23. HALO SVEVO la vie (MC "VA - The Dreams That Could Awake", Experimental Religieux, 1993)
24. KONSTRUKTIVITS tudor forest (MC "Spanish Movements", Harsh Reality Music, 1986)
25. D.D.K. starkman (10xMP3 "Something For The Weekend", Klappstuhl, 2021)


"VA - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?" - Benefitcompilation

MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting):


Playlists since 2012:

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 7 June 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2)

Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu

h1. "For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not? - A Compilation For The People In The Ukraine"
199 x MP3, "Various Artists - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?", Component Recordings, 2022

1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. FREEZE ETCH badly burned
3. DUBTRAK darkening sky (Backgroundmusic)
4. PRINCESS GLEECH save point
5. ANJA KREYSING landslide (extract)
6. CICADA SHROUD pripyat shuffle
7. DECENT NEWS gankino horo
9. VERENA HENTSCHEL lost in reverie (extract) .
10. COLTEN TYLER WILLIAMS & THIRD SEVEN the crossing (extract)
11. MASCHINEFABRIEK myr (extract)
12. STEFAN STRASSER speechless (extract)
13. STEPHEN MALLINDER working (you are) (extract)
14. FAIL relative safety (extract)
15. BASTARD SCIENCE a psotcard from the abyss (extract)
16. KAI NIGGEMANN 1000 cuts (extract)
17. APHEXIA blissful smile 
19. BATARD TRONIQUE forbidden peace & censored love
20. WOLFGANG FLÜR say no (extract)

h2. Cassette Culture
21. MR. EBU opinion ate
--- All tracks until here except of "MINA rotes plastik" are taken from:
"Various Artists - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?" (199 x MP3, Component Recordings, 2022)

22. MAGIC BULLET stop putin (self-released, 2022)
23. ELZA marijuana (27xMP3 "The UWU Collection Press Pack", Music & Elsewhere)
24. LIEUTNANT CARAMEL put it down (C60 "VA - Atonal Vol 2 - Encyclopedia of Obscure Aural Wonders - 80´s​/​90´s", SPH-Tapes, 2021)
25. STEPHEN JANETZKO auf der reise (MC "Ich Bin Din", Seebär Musikverlag) 
26. ALIMENTAIRE mutation (MC "VA - Mutant Disco Tape", Turnabout Tapes, 1990)
27. DILEMMA me executioner (C60 "VA - New Hippies Vol. 2", Red Neon Tapes)
28. HERR ALBRECHT stay by my side (MC "OBI", 1990)
29. THE CONSPIRACY do or die (MC "The Instant Story", Neuzeitliche Tonkonstruktionen, 1993)
30. JOHN BARTLES minga (C30 "Banal Fixation", 1992)
31. JOHNSON'S FIVER paradise (C90 "VA - Pop Collection 1", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1992)
32. JOTA ESE jungle jalopy (MC "Dauni Back '77", Fuzzoscope, 2015)
33. WET TAXIS miniamata (MC "Taxidermy", 1980)
34. SABOTAGE Q.C.Q.C.? feat. JOACHIM WITT strenges mädchen (1.2) (MC "Les Danses Sauvages", 1995)
35. AL & DEL sick (C60 "Greatest Hits", Maljugin Musik)
36. SOR ZOR SYA grounder es as (MC "Same")


"VA - For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not?" - Benefitcompilation



MIXCLOUD (Herr Ebu Broadcasting):


Playlists since 2012:


QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 3 May 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2)

Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu & Christian Bedor

h1. Christian Bedor
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. Interview mit CHRISTIAN BEDOR
3. JOY FLEMING i'm in love (CD "L'Attraction", Global Records, 2007)
4. Interview mit / Lesung 1v3 aus "Dia Stimmen" von CHRISTIAN BEDOR
5. THE BOX TOPS the letter (CD "The Letter / Neon Rainbow", Bamboo Sound Carrier, 2015)
6. Lesung 2v3 aus "Dia Stimmen" von / Interview mit CHRISTIAN BEDOR
7. LEAF one more dream (12"-LP, Biton, 1981)
8. Interview mit / Lesung 3v3 aus "Dia Stimmen" von CHRISTIAN BEDOR
9. MARIANNE ROSENBERG marleen (3xCD-Box "Ihre grossen Erfolge", Ariola Express, 1997)

h2. Cassette Culture
10. BENE GESSERIT Alors, Révolution ? (CD "Eccentric ????", EE Tapes, 2016)
11. BIO PULS ja - nein - doch (C46 "Liebeslieder", Mare Enterprises, Edition Z9A, 1999)
12. THE RORSCHACH GARDEN share (MC "Headsplit", New Band Underground Label, 1995)
13. FROM NURSERY TO MISERY say good bye (to the deep blue sky) (C60, Equilibrium, 1990)
14. OONDOOD gerald(ine) (At Last?) (Pointless Geometry, 2017)
15. EXO NEUTRINO heyeia wünkrit (MC, Wir wollen nur dein Bestes Bänder, 1989)
16. CHEAPO CARD COMPANY dancing in düsseldorf (MC, Cheap Prod, 199x)
17. DIE VERSPANNTEN komm besuch mich heut (2xMC "VA - "Sellemols & Heid", Wartungsfrei, 1983)
18. DAS M im sommer (C45 "Die Zeit im Irrtum", Ebus Music, 1993)
19. DIE LEBENDE DOSIS kartoffelbovist (CD "Wohlstand Die 2e Destroy Com", Nam & Schwitz, 1998)
20. POOR DECISIONS marschbefehl (MC "Neu und Billig")
21. DELETED encore 1 journee sans histoire (C60 "No Songs", Tonspur Tapes, 1988)
22. RÜGER'S ELECTRONIC DANCE CREW COMPANY unzufrieden (MC "3 + 4 =", Oma Ekop Records, 1991)


Christian Bedor:



Cassette Culture:

Playlists since 2012:

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcasting: 5 April 2022 8-10pm (UTC+2)