radiator x - 110421 - north
radia #310: idea of north + radia #173: northern relationships

[pls. scroll down for english version]


zunächst mit cathy inouye, die ausgehend von glen goulds radio-stück "the idea of north" ihre eigene idee des nordens entwirft - nämlich eine, welche (anders als seinerzeit gould) auch die stimmen der inuit hört und zudem einen ganz anderen, zeitgenössischen klangkosmos bereist.

im anschluss knüpfen musikerInnen, klang- und radiokünstlerInnen aus montréal weitere beziehungen im und zum norden.

hinweis nebenbei: radia #309 hatte auf radio x bereits am 03.03.2011 premiere.
weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 28. april 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.



first with cathy inouye, rethinking glen goulds 1967's radio piece "the idea of north" to draw her own sound map of an imaginary aand at the same time very real landscape. with the voicees of inuit who were desperately missing in gold's project. and with contemporary sounds.

afterwards musicians and sound artists from montréal create northern relationships.

pls. note: radia #309 has been broadcasted as a special premiere show on march 3, 2011.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
cathy inouye, the contributors to northern relationships and radio CKUT montréal for sharing their ideas of the north.
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, april 28, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).